Whey protein isolate (WPI) conceals the purest form of whey protein. The production of premium WPI is very expensive, but it is the best form of protein you can get for your money. 100% WHEY ISOLATE contains only protein produced by the CFM method (Cross-Flow Microfiltration). The CFM method ensures that the product contains a minimum of denatured proteins and preserves all biologically active protein fractions. 100% WHEY ISOLATE is loaded with branched-chain amino acids and firstclass protein. Each portion contains a cool 26 grams of protein and especially more than 6.5 g of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). 100% WHEY ISOLATE dissolves very easily and we recommend using the NUTREND shaker to mix it. Give your body the best-quality protein that helps to rebuild muscle tissue and contributes to muscle growth.
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